To learn about typecheckers, I decided to make a small typed calculator. I figured this could be useful to other folks trying to learn about implementing typed languages.
= 42;
a = 10;
b + b < 100; a
Running the above should print
= 42
a <type:Int>] 42
[= 10
b <type:Int>] 10
[+ b < 100
a <type:Bool>] true [
The calculator is structured like a very typical amateur interpreter project:
The scanner first splits the input program into a list of tokens. For
our program, this step produces the tokens
[Ident(a), Sym(=), Int(10), Sym(;), Ident(b), Sym(=), Int(42), ...]
Note how no meaning is ascribed to groups of symbols yet, this is all
about grouping characters into meaningful symbols.
Next, the parser groups tokens together into expressions, and emits a
list of parse trees, one per expression. Note how our expressions are
delimited by the ;
symbol, and just splitting the input
text on the semicolon would also be kind of a grouping of expressions.
But our parser produces a richer, tree structure that encodes
precedence. In each expression tree node, any child expressions need to
be evaluated before evaluating the node itself. For example, the last
expression in our program, a + b < 100;
is parsed
IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={}),
IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={}); attrs={}),
Literal(Int(100); attrs={}); attrs={})
Note how the +
operation is a child of the
operation, indicating that +
should be
evaluated first (i.e., binary +
has a higher precedence
than binary <
in our language).
Next, the typechecker attaches type information to each expression.
That’s what will go in the attrs
attached to each parse
tree node. For instance, this is how the above tree for
a + b < 100;
looks when type-annotated:
IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}),
IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}),
Literal(Int(100); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}); attrs={'type': <type:Bool>})
See how each sub-expression is now annotated with its deduced type, and so is the top-level expression.
Finally, the interpreter walks the list of expression trees, evaluating each in post-order.
At any point, any of the components can have a fatal error that causes the program to halt with an exception.
To implement the scanner and parser components, it is useful to write down the the grammar of our little expression language. Here’s the grammar in PEG syntax:
TyCalc {
Prog = Stmt*
Stmt = Expr ";"
Expr = Assignment
Assignment = AssignmentAux | LogicalOr
AssignmentAux = ident "=" Assignment
LogicalOr = LogicalAnd ("||" LogicalAnd)*
LogicalAnd = Equality ("&&" Equality)*
Equality = Comparison (("!=" | "==") Comparison)*
Comparison = Term (("<=" | "<" | ">" | ">=") Term)*
Term = Factor (("+" | "-") Factor)*
Factor = Unary (("*" | "/" | "%") Unary)*
Unary = ("+" | "-")? Exponent
Exponent = ExponentExpr | Primary
ExponentExpr = Exponent ("**" Exponent)*
Primary = ParenExpr | ident | numlit | boollit
ParenExpr = "(" Expr ")"
ident = letter alnum*
numlit = fractional | integral
fractional = digit* "." digit+
integral = digit+
boollit = "true" | "false"
My favorite tool to play with a grammar is the online OhmJS editor. Paste this grammar, add examples and see the editor explain the parses.
Nothing fancy, most of the complexity in the grammar is to properly encode operator precedence, and some quirks of the Ohm PEG notation. Here’s some examples:
c a = 1 b = true
c a + 12.3 ** 6
c b && true
c b && a < 10
c (2 + a) * 4
Once the grammar is written down, you can either generate a parser for it using OhmJS or ANTLR, or roll your own recursive-descent parser. I rolled my own parser, and if you are new to this, I highly recommend Crafting Interpreters.
You can print the parse tree of any tycalc program by invoking parsing.py as follows:
$ python parsing.py FILENAME # -OR-
$ echo 'a + b;' |python parsing.py
Typechecking is implemented in typechecking.py.
The goal of the typechecking phase is to assign a type to each expression in the program, producing an error if this is not possible. Modern languages have sophisticated type inference, and it is not always an “error” if the typechecker cannot figure out the type of an expression – it just might need more type annotations to eliminate ambiguity. Our language is, however, very small, and the typechecker is also quite simple. Here are the rules for type assignment:
Literals get their types trivially:
is always a Bool
is an Int
, .4
, 99.
are all
sEach variable assignments sets the type of the variable to the assignment’s right hand side, and this is the type of the variable until it is reassigned later.
Arithmetic operations (+
, -
, /
) expect numeric arguments (either
or Float
). If either of the arguments is a
, the result is also a Float
, else it is
an Int
The integer division remainder (mod) operation (%
expects Int
The operators (<=
, >=
, >
) expect numeric arguments and
produce a Bool
The operators ==
and !=
expect either
two numeric arguments, or two Bool
arguments, and produce a
Logic operators (&&
, ||
) take
two Bool
s and produce a Bool
We can model type assignment of an expression as a recursive problem of assigning types to the child expressions in the expression’s AST, and then calculating the resulting type using the rules above.
Let’s look at an example:
a = 42;
b = 10.;
a + b < 100;
Here’s the result of running our parser on it.
<(echo "a = 42; b = 10.; a + b < 100;")
python parsing.py ====== Input program =========
= 42; b = 10.; a + b < 100;
a ====== Parse trees (one line per input expr) =========
=), IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={}), Literal(Int(42); attrs={}); attrs={})
BinaryExpr(Sym(=), IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={}), Literal(Float(10.0); attrs={}); attrs={})
BinaryExpr(Sym(<), BinaryExpr(Sym(+), IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={}), IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={}); attrs={}), Literal(Int(100); attrs={}); attrs={}) BinaryExpr(Sym(
The empty attrs
associated with each subexpression will
eventually contain the type. Let’s work out the type deduction by
For the first expression assigns the integer literal 42
to a
. The result of this assignment expression is
are Int
-typed, until a
redefined.Similarly, the next expression assigns the Float
to the variable b
, so the expression has
type Float
, and the typechecker remembers that
has type Float
Now let’s zoom into the last expression:
<), # .......................... toplevel expr
BinaryExpr(Sym(+), # .......................|- subexpr 1
BinaryExpr(Sym(; attrs={}), # ............|- subexpr 1.1
IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={}); attrs={} # ...|- subexpr 1.2
IdentExpr(Ident(b)# |
), 100); attrs={}) # ..............|- subexpr 2
Literal(Int(; attrs={})
We know that the type of a valid <
operation is
always a boolean, and the operation is valid if both its arguments are
numbers. Therefore, we need to first find the types of
subexpr 1
and subexpr 2
To find the type of subexpr 1, we need the types of subexprs 1.1 and 1.2
, and
is previously defined as an Int
a = 42;
, and
is previously defined as a Float
a = 10.;
by rule (3)
above.subexpr 2 is easy, it is an Int
literal, which
always has the type Int
Therefore, the arguments to our <
operation have
types Float
and Int
. This is a valid
operation, and the result has the type Bool
Here’s the result of running the typechecker alone on our program above:
<(echo "a = 42; b = 10.; a + b < 100;")
$ python typechecking.py ====== Input program =========
= 42; b = 10.; a + b < 100;
a ====== Typed parse trees (one line per input expr) =========
=), IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={}), Literal(Int(42); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}); attrs={'type': <type:Int>})
BinaryExpr(Sym(=), IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={}), Literal(Float(10.0); attrs={'type': <type:Float>}); attrs={'type': <type:Float>})
BinaryExpr(Sym(<), BinaryExpr(Sym(+), IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}), IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={'type': <type:Float>}); attrs={'type': <type:Float>}), Literal(Int(100); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}); attrs={'type': <type:Bool>}) BinaryExpr(Sym(
Notice how each subexpression now has types, the same ones we worked out manually.
Now let’s look at an example where the typechecking fails:
<(echo "a = 42; b = true; a + b;")
python typechecking.py ====== Input program =========
= 42; b = true; a + b;
a ====== Typed parse trees (one line per input expr) =========
=), IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={}), Literal(Int(42); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}); attrs={'type': <type:Int>})
BinaryExpr(Sym(=), IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={}), Literal(Bool(True); attrs={'type': <type:Bool>}); attrs={'type': <type:Bool>})
BinaryExpr(Sym(+), IdentExpr(Ident(a); attrs={'type': <type:Int>}), IdentExpr(Ident(b); attrs={'type': <type:Bool>}); attrs={'type': <badtype:Invalid operand types for Sym(+): <type:Int>, <type:Bool>>}) BinaryExpr(Sym(
So here, we attempted to add an Int
and a
, and the typechcker produced the “type” of the final
expression as a special type, which actually represents a typecheck
error. This strategy, of progressively typing as many expressions as
possible without breaking the program, allows catching multiple errors
at once.
Evaluation is implemented in interp.py.
The evaluation is very simple, it just visits the type-annotated expression trees, remembering values of variables, and evaluates each expression by walking its tree. In fact, for this simple calculator, we did not need a separate typechecking pass, and could have bundled typechecking along with evaluation. But in a more interesting language, it is almost always a good idea to keep typechecking and evaluation as different passes. This will make your life easier as you add more features to the language.