Attention - this value does not exist


Here, we play with the attention mechanism and word embeddings to get make a KV store that fuzzily searches through the key space, and might also return candidate values that are nonexistent in the store.

Suppose we have the following key/value pairs:

  'one': 'number',
  'cat': 'animal',
  'dog': 'animal',
  'ball': 'toy',
  'sphere': 'shape',
  'male': 'gender',

Here are some example queries and their results:

rhombus  ['shape' 'shaped' 'fit' 'fits' 'resembles']
parabola ['shape' 'shaped' 'fit' 'fits' 'resembles']
female   ['gender' 'ethnicity' 'orientation' 'racial' 'mainstreaming']
seven    ['number' 'numbers' 'ten' 'only' 'other']
seventy  ['gender' 'ethnicity' 'orientation' 'regardless' 'defining']
cylinder ['toy' 'instance' 'unlike' 'besides' 'newest']

So as we can see, the top result for seven is number, because seven is similar to one. but there are also other results that are not in the dataset.

Then there is seventy, which should also have returned number as at least one result, but it didn’t. Somehow our store thinks seventy is closer to male than to one.

Answering queries with attention

The interface

# Init with a dict containing they key/value pairs.
db = Database({
  'key1': 'val1',
  'key2': 'val2,

# Query
results = db.query('foo')
assert type(results) == list

Answering queries with attention

Consider a dataset D containing key-value pairs \(D = \{(\textbf{k}_1, \textbf{v}_1), ..., (\textbf{k}_m, \textbf{v}_m)\}\).

Imagine a query mechanism that, given a query \(\textbf{q}\), produces a result given by:

\[ Attention(\textbf{q}, D) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\alpha(\textbf{q}, \textbf{k}_i) \textbf{v}_i \]



Our DB interface uses variable length words, but the attention mechanism wants fixed-length vectors. While we could use a simple one-hot encoding of words, it won’t capture the semantic closeness of words.

Instead, we’ll use the GloVe embeddings, that allow us to represent variable length words with their fixed size embeddings.


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