After getting the basics of QC down with quantum.country, I find thinking about and surveying quantum programming languages a lot of fun.
Below, I have my textbook implementation of Grover search in Cirq (runnable Colab). Cirq docs have many other textbook algorithm implementations here.
Some raw thoughts:
in simulation mode as needed. In
real code, compilers will need to help programmers translate higher
level ideas to circuits that can actually run on the target
machine.I will next look at a few quantum programming frameworks, e.g.,
In the code below, our “solution” is known in advance. To solve a real search problem, we would need additional logic to check whether a quantum state corresponds to the sought-after solution. Since our solution is known at circuit-build time, we just use some controlled-nottery for the solution-checking step.
BTW, cirq comes with a bunch of algorithm implementations, including Grover search
from cirq import NamedQubit, TOFFOLI, X, CNOT, H
import math
= 4
nqubits = 2 ** nqubits
state_space_size = round(math.pi / (4. * math.asin(1. / math.sqrt(state_space_size))) - 0.5)
print(f'State space size=#{state_space_size}, num iters=#{num_grover_iterations}')
= NamedQubit('x1')
x1 = NamedQubit('x2')
x2 = NamedQubit('x3')
x3 = NamedQubit('x4')
= NamedQubit('w1')
w1 = NamedQubit('w2')
w2 = NamedQubit('w3')
w3 = NamedQubit('w4')
w4 = NamedQubit('w5')
# I am not sure if reusing ancilla across iterations is ok, so creating
# one per iteration.
= [cirq.NamedQubit(f'a#{i}') for i in range(num_grover_iterations)]
def make_ancilla():
"""Returns a sequence of operations that prepare each ancilla bit in the
|-⟩ = H|1⟩ state."""
= []
prepare_ancilla for q in ancilla:
prepare_ancilla.append(H(q))return prepare_ancilla
def make_equal_superposition_state():
return [H(x1), H(x2), H(x3), H(x4)]
def make_oracle(solution, z):
"""Returns a sequence of gates that takes |x>|z> to -|x>|z> if
|x> == |solution>, else leaves the state alone. Note that the solution
is known here, but in general this oracle will check if there is a solution
in |x>."""
assert len(solution) == 4, "I assumed a 4 qubit solution"
= []
gates = []
# Convenience fn to add uncomputation operations as we add the main
# operations.
def _add(gate, *operands):
= [x1, x2, x3, x4]
input_qubits for i, x in enumerate(solution):
assert x in (1, 0), "Expected a binary solution vector"
if x == 0:
_add(X, input_qubits[i])
_add(TOFFOLI, x1, x2, w1)
_add(TOFFOLI, w1, x3, w2)
_add(TOFFOLI, w2, x4, w3)
# Copy the output to the ancilla qubit since uncomputation will reset w3
# to its input state.
gates.append(CNOT(w3, z))
gates.extend(uncompute_gates)return gates
def make_search_step(z):
"""Returns a sequence of ops that runs the diffusion step of Grover search
by reflecting |x> about |E> where |E> is the equal superposition state.
z is an ancilla qubit. |x>|z> should be first passed through an oracle step.
return [
H(x1), H(x2), H(x3), H(x4),
X(x1), X(x2), X(x3), X(x4),
TOFFOLI(x1, x2, w1),
TOFFOLI(w1, x3, w2),
TOFFOLI(w2, x4, w3),
# Leave the result in the ancilla.
CNOT(w3, z),
# uncompute
TOFFOLI(w2, x4, w3),
TOFFOLI(w1, x3, w2),
TOFFOLI(x1, x2, w1),
X(x1), X(x2), X(x3), X(x4),
H(x1), H(x2), H(x3), H(x4),
def make_ckt(solution):
"""Creates a circuit to search for the given solution, which should be a
4-element binary (0/1) array."""
= cirq.Circuit()
circuit.append(make_ancilla())for iter in range(num_grover_iterations):
circuit.append(make_oracle(solution, ancilla[iter]))
circuit.append(make_search_step(ancilla[for q in (x1, x2, x3, x4)])
circuit.append([cirq.measure(q) return circuit
Now we instantiate the algorithm to find the solution “1001” and simulate:
= make_ckt([1, 0, 0, 1])
circuit print(circuit)
= cirq.Simulator()
sim = sim.simulate(circuit, initial_state=0)
result print(result)
measurements: x1=1 x2=0 x3=0 x4=1
output vector: -0.354|0000001001⟩ + 0.354|0010001001⟩ + 0.354|0100001001⟩ - 0.354|0110001001⟩ + 0.354|1000001001⟩ - 0.354|1010001001⟩ - 0.354|1100001001⟩ + 0.354|1110001001⟩