In testing my implementation of a distributed failure detector, I needed to be able to:
instances of the detector, each listening on a
different port on localost, making a small local cluster.It turns out that getting step 1 right is nontrivial (but worth trying to understand what facilities your language offers to this end).
I started out doing the regular fork-exec
except that the act of redirecting the output stream of the target
process in exec
was causing the shell to be
my @cmd = ( '/home/ys/bin/phifd', ... );
...my @children;
if ( my $pid = fork() ) {
push @children, $pid;
else {
} # presence of a shell metachar automatically causes a shell to be spawned.
exec @cmd, '>', "$logfile";
The problem here is that when reaping the children later on, the SIGTERM that we send to the child processes gets trapped by the shell, which dies, and then its child, which is the actual process we wanted to kill, keeps running, now parented by init.
One way to solve this is to avoid spawning a shell altogether, and
relay the child output streams to respective log files in the parent
process, and in Perl IPC::Run
is a handy library for this.
Here’s the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Run qw(run timeout start harness);
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use File::Slurp qw(read_dir read_file);
my $log_root_dir = shift || 'logs/';
my @cmds = (
['phifd', '-t', 1, '-a', ''
['phifd', '-t', 1, '-a', '', '-i', ''
['phifd', '-t', 1, '-a', '', '-i', ''
my @handles;
my @harnesses;
for my $procnum ( 0 .. $#cmds ) {
my $logfile = File::Spec->catfile( $log_root_dir,
'proc_' . $procnum . '.log' );
# XXX: do we need an :encoding(utf8) discipline here?
open my $fh, '>', $logfile
or die "Cannot open $logfile for writing: $!";
my $harness = harness
$cmds[$procnum], # command to run
undef, # input (goes to child's stdin)
\$fh, # output (from child's stdout)
$fh, # error (from child's stderr)
sub {
init => # Any environment setup goes here
push @handles, $fh;
push @harnesses, $harness;
my $start = time;
my $elapsed = 0;
while ( $elapsed < $runtime ) {
# Nonblocking "pumping" -- in our case, we check if a child has output,
# and if so, write it to the respective log file handle. IPC::Run handles
# this for us.
$_->pump_nb for @harnesses;
$elapsed = time - $start;
# cleanup
$_->kill_kill for @harnesses; # kill with progressively stiffer signals.
@harnesses = ();
close $_ for @handles;
@handles = ();
That’s it, IPC::Run
is quite flexible, and the perldoc
is quite well written.