Baby steps with Elixir – Wordcount


Implementing (useful subsets of) basic Unix utilities is a great way to learn a programming language. On my quest to read a file one line at a time in Elixir, I decided to try implementing wc. The interface:

$ elixir wc.exs <filename>
 <line-count> <word-count> <char-count> <filename>

The code follows. Most of it is self-explanatory with the comments, but I struggled with the Stream.transform/3 function, so I’ll try to explain what it does later.

## wc.exs
defmodule WordCount do

  def wordcount(filename) do
    path = Path.expand(filename)!(path)
    # By default,! streams lines.
    |> Stream.transform(nil, fn(line, _) -> {[wordcount_for_line(line)], nil} end)
    # At this point, each item in the stream is a map with counts for every
    # line.
    |> Enum.reduce(%{ words: 0, lines: 0, chars: 0 }, fn(count_map, acc) ->
        Map.merge(count_map, acc, fn(_k, v1, v2) -> v1 + v2 end)

  defp wordcount_for_line(line) do
    with num_words = line
                     |> String.trim
                     |> String.split(~r/\s+/)
                     |> Enum.filter(&(String.length(&1) > 0))
                     |> length,
         num_lines = 1, # Of course the line-count for a line is 1! :)
         num_chars = String.length(line) do
      %{ words: num_words, lines: num_lines, chars: num_chars }

  defp print_result(%{ words: words, lines: lines, chars: chars }, filename) do
    IO.puts " #{lines} #{words} #{chars} #{filename}"

  defp usage, do: "Give me a filename please."

  def main([]) do
    raise usage

  def main([ filename | _ ]) do
    wordcount(filename) |> print_result(filename)



Let’s wordcount ourselves:

$ elixir wc.exs wc.exs
 37 123 1014 wc.exs

Streams and files

Streams are Elixir’s lazy collection abstraction, allowing one to describe computations on a potentially unbounded (in size) data-source. These computations are run when the result is explicitly requested, either by functions like or by trying to enumerate a stream, since streams implement the enumerable protocol (which by the way just means that we can iterate the stream one item at a time).

In its most basic invocation like on line 5,! takes a Path and returns a File.Stream that streams the target file (if it exists) one line at a time.

On to the next line in the call to Stream.transform/3: The first argument (here nil) is the initial value of the accumulator variable. This is used to hold state for successive calls to the reducer function. Next up is the “reducer” function, which is called for every item in the stream, along with the current accumulator. Stream.transform/3 expects us to return a 2-tuple with a list of items as the first element, and the new value of the accumulator as the second element. It is important to note that we can, for one item in the original stream, emit more than one items in the “transformed” stream, and hence the first element of the returned two tuple must usually be a list. For example, if a stream represents the number of photons detected in a photomultiplier at each discrete time-step, like [2, 1, 6, 9, 0, 1], and we want to output a stream of "p"s consistent with the counts of photons in the incoming stream, we would do something like:

|> Stream.transform(nil, fn(count, _) ->
    {Stream.repeatedly(fn -> "p" end) |> Enum.take(count), nil}
|> Enum.to_list
# ["p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p",
#  "p", "p", "p", "p", "p"]

# ^^- 19 "p"s

Note that we are not using the accumulator at all in both these examples. We just initialize it to nil, and keep sending nil as the “updated” accumulator value, which is ignored anyway by our reducer function.