SICP excercises 1.19 - Logarithmic time Fibonacci number generation


This exercise describes a transformation \(T_{pq}\), that, when applied to a pair \(\left( a, b \right)\), transforms it according to \(a \gets aq + bq + ap\) and \(b \gets bp + aq\). The transformation used to generate Fibonacci numbers, starting from the pair \(\left( 0, 1 \right)\), can be written as \(a \gets a + b\) and \(b \gets a\).

Note that the Fibonacci transformation is \(T_{01}\) (\(p=0\) and \(q=1\)).

The exercise asks us to show that applying any transformation \(T_{pq}\) twice (or \(T^2_{pq}\)) to a pair \(\left( a, b \right)\) is equivalent to applying the transformation \(T_{p'q'}\) for some \(p'\) and \(q'\), and to find \(p'\) and \(q'\) in terms of \(p\) and \(q\).

Let’s apply the transformation once to get

$ a’ = aq + bq + ap \(</div> <div>\) b’ = bp + aq $
Now apply the transformation once more.
$ a’’ = a’q + b’q + a’p \(</div> <div>\) b’’ = b’p + a’q $
Substitute for \(a'\) and \(b'\) and rearrange
$ a’’ = ( aq + bq + ap ) q + ( bp + aq ) q + ( aq + bq + ap ) p \(</div> <div>\) = ap^2 + bq^2 + 2aq^2 + 2apq + 2bpq \(</div> <div>\) = a ( 2q^2 + p^2 + 2pq ) + b ( q^2 + 2pq ) \(</div> <div>\) = a ( q^2 + 2pq ) + a ( p^2 + q^2 ) + b ( q^2 + 2pq ) \(</div> <div>\) = a ( q^2 + 2pq ) + b ( q^2 + 2pq ) + a ( p^2 + q^2 ) $
$ b’’ = b’p + a’q \(</div> <div>\) = ( bp + aq )p + ( aq + bq + ap )q \(</div> <div>\) = bp^2 + apq + aq^2 + bq^2 + apq \(</div> <div>\) = b( p^2 + q^2 ) + a( q^2 + 2pq ) $

Now comparing the final expressions for \(a''\) and \(b''\) with the original transformations, we note that transforming \(\left( a,b \right)\) by \(T^2_{pq}\) is equivalent to the single transformation \(T_{p'q'}\), where \(p' = p^2 + q^2\) and \(q' = q^2 + 2pq\).