This exercise requires the design of a procedure that evolves an
iterative exponentiation process using successive squaring. It should
use constant space and a logarithmic number of steps. The hint is to
note that \(\left( b^{
\frac{n}{2} } \right)^2 = \left( b^2 \right)^{ \frac {n}{2}
}\) and to transform states such that \(ab^n\) is invariant, and equal to
\(b^n\) where
is another state variable along with the base
and exponent n
. Here is the
(define (even? x)
(= (remainder x 2) 0))
(define (expt b n)
(expt-iter 1 b n))
(define (expt-iter a b n)
(cond ((= n 0) a)
((even? n) (expt-iter a (square b) (/ n 2)))
(else (expt-iter (* a b) b (- n 1)))))
Here, expt-iter
starts with the state variables
a = 1
, b
, the base, and n
, the
We will the use the notation \(a_0\), \(b_0\), \(n_0\) to denote the initial values,
and \(a_c\), \(b_c\), \(n_c\) to denote the current
values, of the state variables a
, b
, respectively.
When the exponent n
falls to zero, our invariant says
that \(a_c {b_c}
^0 = a_c\) must equal the final result \({b_0}^{n_0}\). Hence in this case,
we return \(a_c\), the
current value of a
. The correctness of this can be readily
verified for \(n_0 = 0\).
For other values of \(n\),
we need to prove that given any call to expr-iter
arguments \(a_c\),
\(b_c\), \(n_c\) such that the invariant is
preserved, i.e., $ a_c { b_c }^{n_c} = {b_0}^{n_0}$, each
arm of the cond
in expt-iter
preserves the
invariant through the next recursive call to itself.
For even values of \(n\), we use the first part of the hint to reduce the exponent by half while squaring \(b\). Let’s look at our invariant expression in this case. Suppose we are dealing with some even exponent \(n_c = 2k\). Before our transformation, the invariant says that \(a_c { b_c } ^{2k} = {b_0}^{n_0}\). After our transformation, the invariant is \(a_c { {b_c}^2 }^k\), which is just a rearrangement of the invariant expression before the transformation, and hence, must also equal \({b_0}^{n_0}\).
For odd values of \(n\), we transform by changing \(a\) to be the product \(ab\) while reducing \(n\) by \(1\). For some odd value of \(n_c = 2k+1\), the invariant before the transformation is \(a_c {b_c}^{2k+1}\). After the transformation, it becomes $ ( a_c b_c ) {b_c}^{2k} $, which is only a rearrangement of the previous term, implying that our transformation correctly preserves the invariant.
Maintaining an invariant across state transformations is a powerful way of designing iterative processes, and also makes it easy to reason for the correctness of the procedures behind such processes.