Given a set of coin denominations \(\mathbb{C}\) of size \(n\), in how many ways can an amount \(A\) be changed using the coin denominations in \(\mathbb{C}\)?
A fairly straightforward solution to this is as follows, using the set of 5 coin denominations, $ ( 1,5,10,25,50 ) $.
(define (count-change amount)
(cc amount 5))
(define (nth xs n)
(first (drop xs n)))
(define (denom n)
(nth '(1 5 10 25 50) (- n 1)))
(define (cc amount kinds-of-coins)
(cond ((= amount 0) 1)
((or (= kinds-of-coins 0)
(< amount 0)) 0)
(else (+ (cc amount (- kinds-of-coins 1))
(cc (- amount
(denom kinds-of-coins))
Drawing the call-tree of (count-change 11)
straightforward using the substitution method. The later part of
Exercise 1.14 of SICP asks
you to find the orders of growth for the space and time consumed by the
procedure cc
The space consumed by the recursive process generated by
is going to be proportional to the maximum height of the
recursion tree corresponding to an instance of cc
, since at
any given point in the recursive process, we must only keep track of the
trail of nodes that leads to the root of the tree.
The maximum height of the call tree, for relatively larger amounts \(n\), is going to be dominated by the subtree that contains successive recursive calls with the amount decreased by 1. Clearly, this means the maximum height is going to be linear in the amount \(n\), or \(\Theta \left(n\right)\).
Let us start with the call tree for changing some amount \(n\), with just 1 kind of coin, i.e.,
the call tree for (cc n 1)
We are only allowed here to use one kind of coin, with value \(\mathbb{C}_{1} = 1\).
The red nodes are terminal nodes that yield \(0\), the green node is a terminal
node that yields \(1\)
(corresponding to the first condition in the code for cc
Each nonterminal node spawns two calls to cc
, one (on the
left) with the same amount, but fewer kinds of coins, and the other (on
the right) with the amount reduced by 1 and equal kinds of coins.
Excluding the root, each level has exactly \(2\) nodes, and there are \(n\) such levels. This means, the
number of cc
calls generated by a single
(cc n 1)
call (including the original call) is:
Next, we will look at the call tree of (cc n 2)
calculate \(T\left(n,2\right)\):
Here, we are allowed to use two denominations of coins, viz. \(\mathbb{C}_{2} = 5\) and \(\mathbb{C}_{1} = 1\).
Each black node spawns a (cc m 1)
subtree (blue), which
we’ve already analyzed, and a (cc (- m 5) 2)
subtree. The
node colored in red and green is a terminal node, but yields \(0\) if the amount is less than zero
and \(1\) if the amount is
exactly zero. I’ve denoted this final amount as \(\epsilon\), which can be \(\le0\).
Excluding the root and and the last level in this tree which contains
the red-green terminal node, there will be exactly \(\lfloor {\frac {n} {5}
} \rfloor\) levels. Now each of these levels contains a
call to (cc m 1)
(the blue nodes), each of which, in turn,
is \(\Theta\left(n\right)\) in time. So
each of these levels contains \(T\left(n,1\right) + 1\) calls to
. Therefore, the total number of nodes (including the
terminal node and the root) in the call tree for (cc n 2)
Moving ahead, let’s take a look at the call tree of
(cc n 3)
, i.e., we are now allowed to use three
denominations of coins, the new addition being \(\mathbb{C}_{3} = 10\):
Here also, we see, similar to the previous case, that the total
number of calls to cc
will be
We can see a pattern here. For some \(k\), \(k \gt 1\), we have,
Here, \(\mathbb{C}_{k}\) is the \(k^{th}\) coin denomination. We can expand this further:
In the preceding analysis of the recursive process generated by
, we see that although it is an elegant and
straighforward way of solving the problem, it is not particularly
efficient in time and grows exponentially with the number of allowed
denominations of coins, and polynomially with the amount to be changed
when the number of denominations is fixed. Note that the actual values
of the coin denominations have no effect on the order of growth of this